Partnership Fee Agreement Referral Schedule
The initial review of client intake packet to include contract between client and provider and development of treatment plan is free.
All subsequent sessions relating to treatment planning and care coordination are typically billed at an hourly rate.
This line item is typically reserved for couples counseling or individuals seeking extended sessions.
Partnership Fee Agreement Referral Schedule
Review of discharge materials and follow up plan of whats needed from service member to correct administrative action in military service. This line item is also reserved for claimants that have been initially denied a claim by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs and require resources and assistance with the appeals process.
Continued maintenance of military discharge review briefs and veteran claims.
Includes investigation of federal agency electronic record repositories and consolidation of client records to assist in discharge review briefings, veteran claims, or other legislature activities to correct an issue.
Partnership Fee Agreement Referral Schedule
Client or multidisciplinary care between practitioners.
Care coordination between practitioners managing treatment plan.
This item is typically reserved for clients who wish to have shorter sessions due to economic challenges or time constraints.
Partnership Fee Agreement Referral Schedule
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General family report writing is typically used when assisting claimants or other legal proceedings involving the reintegration of family members.